
Oil price be really expensive! Whom 5-14 ten thousand yuan of motorcycle type look at depending on a line save oil- TOM review- TOM most

Drive age with me today in 22 contacting the save most oily vehicle arriving at. TOM cyber acquaintance IP address: 123.52.16. * 5-10 myriad vehicle, Jetta diesel vehicle saves oil most , 90 kilometre per hour/ divide evenly oil fast 100 kilometres 4 litres; 5 litres are oily time 120 kilometres/; Be to save oily vehicle in the homeland most today. On the grounds of Guangzhou, astiring sound fits; Be linked with Toyota ... right away Today with oneself 22 years drivings license come into contact with the most fuel-efficient cars. TOM netizen IP address: 123.52.16. * 5-10 million cars , the most fuel efficient, engages the jetta 90 Km/h uniform 100 kilometers 4 litres , 120 kms/ 5 litres , is today one of the most fuel efficient domestic cars. According oil price be really expensive! Whom 5-14 ten thousand yuan of motorcycle type look at depending on a line save oil- TOM review- TOM most

