
Five big joint investment brands 125 rows of amounts scooter contrasts measure [the locomotive report] in 2009- - judge! Apply to add ...

Pity , RA1 are in the rear part very much in this respect row, in China shares vehicle scale, it does not have advantage. Being able to not forgive most owes an item row cushion the bottom ... Count and be fussy about through concretely"; "With hundred kilometres 2.3 litres of oil consume a red giant star becoming save most oily vehicle; Treading on the heels of an afterwards's is that hundred kilometres of oil consume 2.4 litres of ... Unfortunately; RA1 in this respect low-ranking , in China share car, it does not have the scale benefits. The most cannot forgive is the last-place ranking..After concrete statistics and dispute ", red star "with 100 kilometers 2.3 litres Of fuel consumption to become the most fuel-efficient cars, 125 rows of amounts later is 10 [the locomotive reports] five big joint investment brands in 2009- - scooters contrast measures followed judge! Apply to add ...

