
The consumer covers Japan department vehicle as with a net accept favour most appraising maximal vehicle row [picture] _ _ Chinese automobile consumption

"The consumer stated " middle in american consumers information magazine a few days ago, the automobile having announced 2009 juat now appraised row "TopPicksfor2009". Gradually be vehicle behind the winner who gained save oil motorcycle type and the most peaceful motorcycle type a few days ago; Have gained maximal consumer valuation motorcycle type once again; Be in consumer ... Recently; The American consumer information magazine "consumer statement "in , just released 2009 cars evaluations ranking "TopPicksfor2009." In a day of cars to achieve the most provinces youchegang type and the most enron car type , after the Winner won the highest consumers again in consumer models , evaluation. The consumer covers Recen day department vehicle as with a net accept favour most appraising maximal vehicle row [picture] _ _ Chinese automobile consumption

