
Northeast nets Harbin 3 02 middle and primary school on the first day of school, Harbin Hong shekels

Northeast nets Harbin 3 02 middle and primary school on the first day of school, Harbin Hong shekels each via process in the eve of the eve of the eve of the eve of the eve of the chang the eve of the eve of the eve of the flag-raising ceremony, to meet new... In the morning, the reporter sees red elementary school door recovers after, some holding various care class, SongZi car, BuKeBan advertising people crowded in to send their children to school. Harbin 3 02 Northeast nets on the middle and 东北网哈尔滨3月2日电 中小学开学第一天,哈尔滨市各黉舍纷纷经由过程进行昌年夜年夜年夜年夜年夜年夜年夜年夜的升旗典礼,来迎接新学...早上,记者在哈市继红小学门前看到,一些拿着各类看护班、送子车、补课班广告的人挤在送孩子上学的...Northeast nets Harbin 3 02 middle and primary school on the first day of school, Harbin Hong shekels each via process in succession, the eve of chang the flag-raising ceremony to welcome the new... In the morning, the reporter sees red elementary school door recovers after, some h

